Friday, October 9, 2009

Saturday # 28- September 19 " Time Out for Women"

Since Saturday # 27 is a blur to me right now... I'm jumping to # 28.

I had the opportunity to spend Friday and Saturday with friends at Desert Book's "Time Out For Women" in Logan. This event included performers such as Michael McLean and Cherie Call, and presenters, Chieko Okazaki, Mark Mabry (a favorite), Emily Watts, Brent Topp (another favorite), and Jill Manning (3rd favorite).

Friday night, Michael McLean sang & danced around the stage in his cowboy boots... (an image I've been trying to delete my from brain for weeks). Cherie Call (aka.. Jodie Foster's look-a-like) hit the stage next. All the music was beautiful, uplifting and inspirational.

Couple highlights:
I remember this cute lady from my childhood. It's hard to believe she's 82! Then again, it's hard to believe I'm in my 20's. ;)

Sister Okazaki's presentation was titled "Teach them correct principles and they govern themselves." She gave some excellent insight on effective teaching methods and how to keep our lives in line with important truths and principles.

Another favorite speaker was Mark Mabry, photographer and creator of "Reflections of Christ." By giving up worldly pursuits, he was able to accomplish many successful things, including the inspiration to create this remarkable photography.

A big thank you to Chris for inviting us, and also thanks to your parents- they are wonderful hosts!
We had a fun, uplifting weekend!

1 comment:

Amy E. said...

Mark Mabry was my favorite too! The photography is amazing, even more so when you know the story behind the photos.