Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pesach (Passover Haggadah)

"Great is the reward for whoever who finds the Afikomen!" I found it! Well... I already knew where it was, it was hiding under some Matzah, next to the Seder Plate. I sneaked a peek, while I was eating my Karpas, when it was hidden. Dayenu! ..."Gesundheit"? Nope, it's not German, it's Hebrew! Amy and I had the opportunity to attend a Passover at the Isaiah Institute in Provo Friday night. It was a wonderful and very educational event! I was disappointment however, we didn't have the opportunity to eat any Zeroah.. (mutten). It's been my quest to find mutten in Utah County. Well.. to be more specific, to find "year old lamb." I suppose this may exist in someone's deep freeze somewhere, considering it has to be frozen for at least a year. One of my favorite parts of this evening.. dancing a Jewish dance around the room and toasting and drinking 4 glasses of grape juice. I love learning about the rich traditions and symbolism associated with the Passover. This was a wonderful event to help prepare me for my Easter Celebration! (2 Nephi 11:4).

Amy's first bike ride!! Since Amy had Friday off, and I took the day off ... (I needed a short vacation, and a day away from the office),
we decided to test Amy's new wheels and ride our bikes to Utah Lake Friday morning! It took us 41.3 mins to hit the lake and return. Not bad! I had to do some serious peddling on my "Big Wheel" to keep up with Amy's new bike! ;) Check out the shocks on those front tires! I think we need to test this bike on some jumps next...

Later Friday afternoon, we sat with Amy's adorable niece Madeline. Such a cutie! Amy's new niece! Isn't she adorable!!

Speaking of adorable nieces and nephews! We had our annual family Easter egg hunt on Saturday. I have 11 beautiful nieces and nephews who are a blast! Better yet... check out the telephone my brother hooked up on his shed.. how convenient.


1 comment:

Karol said...

Jen, don't you have photoshop? :)
And Madaline IS adorable!! I love all that dark silky hair.