Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday #19-July 18, 2009

Sometimes the Saturday fun I have planned doesn't really go according to schedule. And that's okay. You have to roll with the punches. And sometimes, the Saturday you have planned rolls into Monday and Tuesday and even Wednesday of the next week.

My Saturday o' Fun was all about an "Amy Day." You know, spa treatments, hair cut, shopping, pedicure... And all those things (with the exception of a pedicure) happened...eventually.

So, for all of you wanting to plan a Saturday o' Fun with spa treatments, let me recommend...

The Sego Lily Day Spa!

Check out their awesome spa treatments and relaxing amenities (steam room, sauna, etc.) at

In upcoming posts, look for Jen's belated birthday facial at Sego Lily! I'm planning it for a Saturday so we can blog about it!

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