Saturday, April 10, 2010

#5-April 17, 2010--Yard Work

I have memories (notice I didn't say "fond") of doing yard work as a kid. By 9:00 on a Saturday morning, my dad would have all of us kids up and outside weeding the flower beds or mowing the lawn or planting the garden before morning cartoons were even half over. We'd all moan and complain, but there was no getting out of it.

As a grown-up, I now have an appreciation for the work ethic my dad instilled in all of us. I also have a deep and abiding LOVE for sleeping in on a Saturday morning.

And since I don't have kids to haul out of bed or drag away from cartoons on a Saturday morning...

And since I don't really have much of a yard to really worry about (but more on that in a future post)...

I take every opportunity to enjoy the luxury of sleeping in on a Saturday!

I'm sure my dad is shaking his head in sad disappointment.

I was just rolling my body out of bed and not fully awake when Brian called and asked "So, what are you doing for your Saturday of fun?"

I wasn't quite quick enough with a good answer (or excuse), so my resulting reply to the question, "Could you come help with my yard?" was a (willing?) "Sure, no problem." After all, I owed him! I had gifted Brian and Janelle five (or was it 8? Or 10? Or 14?) hours of my time as my Christmas gift.

So, that's how I spent some of my Saturday of Fun time--Working with Brian and Janelle on their back yard--slaving away at yard work, just like when I was kids!

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